闪闪火花 第一季
180Addie tries to get her village to make a memorial to the women who were put on trial for witch craft there. Can she challenge the way her community se -
938一个芬兰女人为了逃避在莫斯科的一段秘密婚外情,登上了前往北极港口摩尔曼斯克的火车。她被迫与一名俄罗斯矿工在狭小的卧铺车厢里度过漫长的旅程。这次意外的邂逅使他们开始面对,自己所渴望的,人与人之间接触的真相。 -
雨女 第二季
288Astrid Nielsen, works in the library of the judicial police. Suffering from Asperger's syndrome, however, she has an incredible memory, so she is ver